Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Recipe: Pizza Quesadilla

Using medium heat, spray a skillet with olive oil. Lightly brown on one side of a whole wheat flour tortilla. Then flip it.

Spread a thin layer of crushed tomatoes over entire tortilla and sprinkle with favorite seasonings. (mine are garlic powder and basil)

On half of tortilla add any veggies and shredded cheese. Fold tortilla in half enclosing ingredients. 

This may seem super simple and easy...YEAH! It tastes great too. I like to serve it with some fruit on the side for lunch. I hope you enjoy :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Glitter My World

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Venus $39 Cardigan $29 Tank

Women's Mossimo BlackĀ® Vivian Glitter Pointy Heel - Multicolor.Opens in a new window
Target $29.99

Candie's Two Tone Sequin and Glitter Bangle Bracelet Set
Kohl's On Sale $15.00

Zappos $79.00

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Holy Hats

Option 1

Option 7

Option 2

Option 8
Option 3

Option 9

Option 4

Option 10

Option 5

Option 11
Option 6

Option 12

Part of me is wondering why someone didn't stop them from walking out of the house with those hats.. aaaannndd then the other part is wanting to join in the crazy hat club. Like get a group of girlfriends together and go bar hopping in my totally outrageous hat.. kind of sounds fun.  So wanna play my game of what if's.. Pick a hat and then pick a dress that you would wear with it. {No duplicate choices} All dresses are from Forever 21 clothing store. See below to find out if our choices match..

1 with 8. 2 with 12. 3 with 7. 4 with 10. 5 with 11. 6 with 9. 

Outrageous Shoes

Let me just say that these shoes are most certainly outrageous BUT I applaud the ones who can rock these.. I wouldn't even get one step before my butt was on the ground! 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Rockstar Tuesday

If you can see this then you are lucky.. I am having blogger trouble. Ugh! Half my content is not showing up and that makes it very difficult to show what I want, do what I want and be in my happy place. {insert frown} I will try to work on this more later but in spite of that I am wishing everyone a great start to the day! That's right, we are turning a negative into a positive. {insert happy face} So people here is my suggestion to start your day out great:

1) Dress up in your favorite outfit. Do your hair and make-up as well. I don't care if you do not step one foot out your door today! Get up and dress up! It sets the mood for the day and I swear it will make you feel great about yourself!

2) If you are leaving your house today, pick your favorite song to jam out to on the way. Keep your windows up or roll them down if you're more daring and sing at the top of your lungs!!! Let it ring ladies! And don't forget to add a few moves along the way and really get into the spirit of things.. but don't wreck! Be a responsible jammer-outer.. totally an Erika vocabulary word. That's how I roll.

3) When reaching your destination take 3 deep breathes. Taking deep breathes helps relax you and after the jam out session you just had it will also help to compose you so you can be the professional woman that one should be at work.

4) Now that you are a professional, composed woman you start your work day. If your boss or colleague starts to get on your nerves just sing the tunes you were jamming out to on the way to work in your head. Every now and then nod and say 'ugh huh' and continue jamming. Remember this is in your head.. I am not responsible if you start singing out loud and they send you to a shrink. I'm just saying.

This is the day to let the music guide you.. enjoy and remember that there are songs that many associate with a period or feeling in their life. Pick one that will uplift you and let your inner singer shine! Welcome to Rockstar Tuesday.. make it a great one!